Friday, March 14, 2008

This Week - From Sarah

Here's the latest from RedWickerBag Design's blog:

What I'm All About...

Ever since I took up bookbinding as a side project, I have become hooked on strange and interesting papers with unique textures, vintage patterns, and rich colors. One paper that I am currently working with is called Ellie Pooh Paper, which is made from 75% elephant dung and 25% recycled rice paper, and is helping preserve the elephant population in Sri Lanka. I know, I know...everyone's first reaction is the same: "Elephant what?" Yes, elephant dung. And yes, I know what that means: elephant poop. I also know what your first question will be: "Why would anyone make paper out of poop?! And how?!" I'll explain...

My First Commissioned Book
I recently finished my first commissioned book. Click here to see it in my Etsy shop. A friend of mine came to me and asked me to make a custom journal for him, which was exciting for the both of us, since he got to pick out exactly what he wanted it to look like, and I got to work on my first custom design.


Unknown said...

i love your books! My mom works at an art school and she took a book making class and has trouble doing anything but making books! you have a great blog! keep up the good work :)

- Morgan

capitolagirl said...

Wow, that's really interesting. I headed over to your Vox site to finish reading. I think that your choice in material sounds really amazing, so thanks for teaching me something today :-)

RedWickerBag Design said...

Thank you, karmabymorgan and capitolagirl, for your comments. I'm glad the material is interesting to you! Thanks for reading.