I Made Yogurt!
Why would you do that?, you might ask, don't you know they sell it at the grocery store in handy little cups? I know you're also wondering, are you sure that's safe?Help Stop Junk - 'Do Not Mail' Campaign
Well I'm certainly alive and well, and people all over the world have been fermenting milk into yogurt for thousands of years. The convenience of processed options causes us to forget how possible it is to make things by hand.. MORE
From the makers of 'Do Not Call', we now have 'Do Not Mail'!Spend Less and Eat Healthier-Benefits of a Good Grocery List
I know sometimes it's nice to see something in the mailbox, even if it is junk, but think about the following numbers next time you pull a handful of wasted paper out of your mailbox...MORE
How to plan your grocery list to avoid impulse purchases
I can get in and out of the grocery store in less than half an hour. I spend almost half of what I used to on weekly groceries and I buy healthy food. What's my secret? I have a good organized system. With just a little planning ahead and a really good list, you too can avoid those little impulse buys that can add up to have big effect on your budget and your waistline...MORE
If you're not tired of reading yet, here's more!
Kitchen Meditation/St Patrick's Day Pudding
Project: Use less Plastic
Big Organic
Pesticide Residues in our Food (and Milk!)
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