Pesticides Bad! Some Scientific Support
'Landscape Pesticide Use: Hidden Risks'Help for Springtime Skin
Dr. Claire Gervais, a family physician and President of Madison, WI's Healthy Lawn Team, gave a presentation on . Her handout is available online, and it contains summaries of multiple studies on the effects of pesticides on health, and online resources.
Study links Parkinson's disease to long-term pesticide exposure
'Did Your Shopping List Kill a Songbird'
"...Migratory birds, modern-day canaries in the coal mine, reveal an environmental problem hidden to consumers. Testing by the United States Food and Drug Administration shows that fruits and vegetables imported from Latin America are three times as likely to violate Environmental Protection Agency standards for pesticide residues as the same foods grown in the United States.
Spring cleaning, gardening, home improvement projects, a long winter- all have the ability to turn your hands dry, cracked, and painfully red.Does Your Hair Care? Part 1
A member of my Homesteading group recently started a discussion on the best things to use for Springtime hands. Here are some of the most popular, from people who really put their hands to work in Spring... MORE
I am in the market for a new shampoo.
I have had success with what I thought was a 'good' brand, recommended by a stylist (before I started cutting my own hair!) but it is a bit expensive, and not easy to get. What is the difference between cheap and expensive shampoo? I need something that is good for my hair, not too expensive, and readily available. There has to be something out there right?
First Step: What is in my shampoo? MORE
Stay tuned for Part 2 of 'Does Your Hair Care' when I experiment with the No 'Poo Method.
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